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4 Ways to Remove Sticky Gum Easily from Your Car

By, 2018-10-13


Sticky gum is considered one of the most annoying things in life. Especially if it sticks to a cloth or something similar, which is difficult to get rid of in many cases. It is also bad when the gum sticks on the body of the car from the outside or inside.


Leaving gum on the body of the car leads to the accumulation of dirt and dust on it, not to mention the damage that might happen to the car paint over time and exposure to sunlight and high temperature. It is possible to hurt your car if you tried to remove the gum in a wrong way. So here are the best 4 ways to remove gum from the body of your car easily.


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The best 4 ways to remove gum from the body of your car easily.


1- Traditional way


Place your car first in the shade so that the gum is not affected by the high temperature and become difficult to remove. Do not attempt to remove them by scraping in order  not to cause damage or scratching on your car paint .


Remove the soft pieces of gum, then bring some warm water and mix it with a little soap. Bring a soft cloth and place it slightly in the mix of warm water and soap. Wipe the gum with the cloth and press it lightly so that it slowly begins to be removed.


If this way does not remove the gum from the surface of the car, try other methods.


2 - Use Ice cubes


In this way you should use the ice cubes and place them on the gum, then leave it  for a long time. Repeat with ice cubes until the gum become frozen on the surface of the car.


When you feel that the gum has started to freeze, start squeezing it with ice cubes and try to remove them lightly. The ice decreases the heat of the gum and shrinks it and then begins to lose its adhesive characteristics, making it easier to be removed from the surface of the car.


Further reading:Could You Fill Tires with Water Instead of Air?


3. Use insecticide


You can use the insecticide to remove sticky gum from the surface of the car. Insecticides can dissolve the fat from which gum is made. Bring any type of insecticide and direct the pesticide spray on the gum only. Do not let it spread on the body of the car, then bring a cloth and also spray insecticide on it and then rub the gum with the cloth.


4. Use compressed air


The fourth and final way is using compressed air to remove sticky gum from the body of the car.


Use a compressed air package or an air compressor that is used to fill the tires with air, if you have one. The compressed air is used to remove sticky gum, which has the ability to dry the gum making it easy to be removed.


The previous methods are one of the best and most effective methods of removing sticky gum from the surface of the car or even from any other surface or materials.


Read more:Do I need new tires?


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