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Do not be afraid from driving during dust storm!

By, 2018-05-29


The MENA region is one of the world's most area exposed to dust storms, and Qatar is one of the countries that can has some dust storms.


These dust storms are often predictable, but sometimes they can suddenly occur along the way. If the driver is not ready or does not know what to do, it can cause major disasters and heavy loss of lives and properties.


Consequently, drivers should know the minimum safety precautions that can be followed before, during and after dust storms. It is a duty.


Here are some tips that will definitely help you:


1.      Check the weather forecast


Make sure to check the weather forecast daily and to make it a habit. It is very important before you go to work or travel to check the weather forecast so that you are prepared for any possible air condition. If you are prepared, you can take any tools or materials that might you need in that day.


For example, if you know that there is a dust storm today, you may postpone your journey to another day, or take with you lighting, a muzzle, medicine, water, food, or any other things that can help you at that time.

In addition, knowing that there is a sand storm will help you check your vehicle such as checking brakes, tires and more.


2.      Stay away from the dust storm:


If you see the dust storm coming and you feel that you have the time and the ability to get out of the highway and stop the car in a safe place, do so. You will not be able to drive safely during the storm.


3.      If you have to drive in the sandstorm follow these instructions:


        - Reduce the speed of your car.

        - Increase the space cushion between you and the vehicle that precedes you.

       - Turn on your car's front, rear, and fog lights so that other drivers can see you.

       - Do not use brakes suddenly  so to not cause a series of catastrophic accidents.

       - Keep windows up to avoid entering the sand, obstructing your vision with sands and other things.

       - Open windscreen wipers.

       - Do not talk on the phone to avoid bring more distracted.

       - Never smoke; smoking blurs vision.


4.      After the end of the dust storm, you have to be careful when returning to the roads because the roads will be slippery and the traffic lights will be invisible since they are covered with sand and dust.


5.      Keep Calm:


Stay calm, especially if you are in the car with children or the elderly. Calm and commitment to instructions is very important to preserve the lives of everyone and reduce losses as well.



Read More: Cleaning your car engine is not a difficult mission anymore!


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