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How to estimate the price of a second-hand car in 5 steps

By, 2018-03-25


Who doesn’t want to buy his own car! It is not necessary to be a new one, yet to be in a good shape. Some people  prefer to buy a second-hand car because its price is less than the price of a new one. However, if you have decided to buy a used car, you have to ask yourself some questions to determine the type and size of the vehicle that is suitable for you and to know how to estimate the price of a second-hand car. So, What are the  criteria used to determine the price of a used car?


Estimating the price of a used car


In order to obtain a realistic assessment, you must take into account all the important specifications of the used car. Since the price is affected by the condition of the vehicle, damage, mileage or technical problems, all of the above reduces the price and value of the vehicle. On the other hand, special equipment may contribute in raising its value, so it must be recorded and evaluated separately.



Travel distance

Each vehicle has a certain consumption age after which the vehicle becomes unusable. The distance traveled by the vehicle is considered as the age of the vehicle. The longer the distance traveled is, the less the car will be used and the lower the price will get.



The exterior of the car

The external body of the car affects its price in terms of paint and rust and whether the vehicle has been in an accident or not. To check the rust, look carefully at the angles and places that may not be visible to traders. To find out if the car has been in an accident, notice the difference in color in some areas of the used car.



The engine

The engine is the main part of the car, and the lower the quality of the engine is, the lower the price of the car and the desire of people to purchase. You should examine the engine well and check its sound. If you found an unusual sound, that means the engine is broken.



The interior of the car

The interior part is not less important than the exterior of the car, both are having a significant impact on raising or lowering the car price. If the inside of the car is eroded or showing signs of maintenance and is unusable, it leads to a reduction in the price of the car.



Technical problems

Technical problems are one of the most important criteria used in pricing a second-hand car. Where the brake, water pump, battery, base of the car and other parts are checked. All these parts affect the price of the car, if they are in an excellent condition the car price rises and vice versa.


Do you need a used car in Qatar? Search thousands of used cars in Qatar Now


Who can help you to estimate the price of a second-hand car?

1. Cars exhibitions.

2. Person with experience or a mechanic.

3. Specialized websites.


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